Studies shows that women tend to sleep with other men if they become aware their partner cheated on them. What goes for the goose goes for the gander and all that. Unfortunately, it seems our mothers were right when they taught us that two wrongs don't make a right.
This is called revenge cheating. They do it because they can, because it's so easy and because they think it'll heal their pain, only to find it adds immense complications to an already shattered relationship. Most affairs happen in unhappy marriages/relationship and it's often not just about the s*x it's about a shared intimacy with someone other than your partner. It is this "secret intimacy" that is highly indicative of a breakdown of honesty, trust and opens communication, the pillars of a healthy marriage, which is why affairs are highly predicative of failed marriages.
The question for women to answer is what are you supposed to do to safeguard your marriage/relationship against a potentially destructive affair? Well, there are various different schools of thought. I think the trick lies in emotional intimacy and open communication channels.
What do you think?
This is called revenge cheating. They do it because they can, because it's so easy and because they think it'll heal their pain, only to find it adds immense complications to an already shattered relationship. Most affairs happen in unhappy marriages/relationship and it's often not just about the s*x it's about a shared intimacy with someone other than your partner. It is this "secret intimacy" that is highly indicative of a breakdown of honesty, trust and opens communication, the pillars of a healthy marriage, which is why affairs are highly predicative of failed marriages.
The question for women to answer is what are you supposed to do to safeguard your marriage/relationship against a potentially destructive affair? Well, there are various different schools of thought. I think the trick lies in emotional intimacy and open communication channels.
What do you think?
Men can always have a second chance in marriage but women rarely does, just be careful ladies because revenge can be disastrous for women.But guy hold your things and don't allow your emotions rule your sense of judgement and reasoning. You don't take undue advantage of your spouse just because you have the money or the position to do so.You must understand that most women love fortune and fame not because they love you.I am a victim of indiscretion by hurting the woman that really loves me without knowing what am loosing.Now I feel terrible.