Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Female reader respond to pastor Chris-- Abortion, No Matter The Circumstance Is Murder

After a reader read Pastor Chris’ opinion about rape and abortion, she decided to share her own story. She said she got married 10 years ago and her husband has not been able to impregnate her, and can’t impregnate any woman either. But she was raped while in school, and even though it was tough she kept the baby. Today the girl is her only child despite she has been married for 10 years. If I had aborted her, I would still be without a child, she said. Her story;

If you want the truth, I was raped while in school by a guy who heard I was a virgin and wanted to prove it. He came to apologize weeks later but that didn't cut it. It still hurts me till tomorrow (psychological scars). I still remember that day everyday like it was yesterday.But one thing I constantly prayed for that time was not to end up pregnant. It would be double tragedy, I said.

Unfortunately, it happened. I got pregnant but did not terminate it because I felt it was a sin. I contemplated it though several times but couldn't go ahead with it because of my bible trained conscience.I even contemplated suicide several times. Thanks to my family though, they stood by me all through. Eventually, I got married ten years ago. Unfortunately, due to some medical jargons the doctor is saying my husband cannot impregnate me or any woman. However, I have my daughter-who is the result of that terrible situation. She's my life. She is innocent and not responsible for how she came into this world. So, why should I have taken it out on her? And I will never stop loving her. Now, if I had terminated the pregnancy, I wouldn't have had any child.

Unfortunately, I have the authority to speak on this because I know what I am talking about. I am not condoning rape in anyway-it’s the worst thing that can happen to anyone. However, why would you want to worsen the situation by committing murder? Abortion, no matter the circumstances is MURDER; pure and simple.


  1. God bless u. Abortion is a no no. Was so surprised when I read the pastor's response yesterday.

  2. Unbelieveable! For pastor Chris to say dat, GOD bless u dear

  3. Pastor gave an opinion, so u take it leave it.

  4. how i wish that the ladys can keep there babys not to murder them

  5. I was in that meeting where Pastor Chris gave his opinion on that issue. It is very easy to condemn people. It was on the Q&A segment of the Communion Service last sunday. Pastor Chris told us what he thought about the matter and acknowledged that a lot of people will jump on him to say all kinds of things like I have read here. What did Pastor Chris say? He didn't prescribe abortion to a woman who was raped and impregnated. He said that in that kind of situation, keeping the pregnancy or aborting it is up to you and that whatever may be the decision you took, you should not condemn yourself. Like somebody said here, Pastor Chris gave his opinion. I suggest that before you comment after reading this article, go to www.pastorchrisonline.org and read the transcript or watch the video of that Q&A session.

    1. D pastor shuld teach his members to be pro life not pro abortion. A life is a life eida from rape or pleasure. No body has d responsibility to determine eida to save a foetus nt even d mother.if d mother was raped,d child shuld b murdered all cos of d sin of d rapist.

  6. I thought pastor are speaking the mind of God. This his opinion like people make us believe, I'd it the mind of God?
