Monday, August 19, 2013

5 Signs of an Abusive Relationship

There are several threats that determines whether or not a relationship is abusive or not. For some people in abusive relationship it can be difficult to recognize the signs or even accept that their relationship is abusive because they have become accustomed to their partners behaviour. Those who abuse their partners physically or psychologically are doing so to gain control over their partner, using fear, guilt, shame and intimidation to exercise their power. 

Physical signs
People who are being physically abuse may have frequent unexplained scars and bruises on their bodies. Victims are also known to frequently miss work, school or social occasions without explanation. Often injuries are described as ‘accidents’ even when it may be obvious that this is not the case.

Controlling behaviour
Abusive relationships will often be defined by one partner’s need to control the life of their partner. Controlling behaviour usually manifests itself in excessively jealous and possessive behaviour, which leads to the individual taking steps to limit what you can do without their supervision. A partner will control where you go and what you do, refusing to let you see certain friends or go places alone.

Violent behaviour in the form of physical and sexual assault is a clear sign of an abusive relationship, with the physical scars of such violence often alerting others to the danger a friend or loved one might be facing at home. However not all abuse is physical in its nature and sometimes the threat of violence is enough to create fear in an individual

Those in abusive relationships will often be isolated by their abuser, as the controlling nature of their partner encourages them to restrict their social activities. The abusive partner’s need to control is fuelled by a need to always know what their partner is doing and who they are seeing. If an individual is rarely seen without their partner, feels the need to get permission to do anything, is always being checked up on and has no control over their own finances, it is likely that their partner is attempting to control their life.

Psychological warning signs
People who are being abused by their partner may have very low self-esteem, even if they used to be confident. Major personality changes can be related to abuse as confident outgoing individuals become more withdrawn because of the abuse they suffer.

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