Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Love is Not Free

Adapting is tough no matter how budget-savvy you are it's hard to avoid the ever increasing cost of living. Thanks to inflation, we are forced to make certain cutbacks in our month-to-month expenses in order to keep up with the negative side-effects that price hikes have on our bank accounts. Unless you are in the fortunate position where money is no object, inflation essentially comes down to one thing compromise.

As I searched the shelves for the cheapest pack of no-range skinless turkey breasts, I started thinking about relationships and the cost of loving. Any relationship worth staying in requires time, patience, sacrifice and a shit load of effort. Life happens somewhere in-between and we are often faced with compromising scenarios that are as unfavourable and unpredictable as fluctuating inflation rates.

Relationships are far from consistent, so when the value of a long-term relationship increases, so does its demand, and in a city where the supply of decent relationships are at an all-time low, it's necessary to make certain concessions in order to make existing ones work. 

Whoever said that love don't cost a thing was seriously deluded. Or JLo! It had been a month since Micheal resigned from work and I was nowhere near getting used to the idea of a one paycheck lifestyle. I found myself bitching and moaning about the smallest things and constantly pushing him to work harder than he already was.
 For the first time in my life, I was mentally struggling to adapt. So much had changed in such a short period of time from our declining social calendar to clipping coupons at Pick and save. Was this seriously the price I had to pay for loving someone so unconditionally?  

I was beginning to feel love spent and needed some time to deflate. The thought of leaving Aiden to clean up his own mess had crossed my mind more than I cared to admit and even though my heart was in the right place; my mind seemed to be all over. 

Thanks to the constant stress of my current situation, my vicious criticisms had turned me into an overnight super-bitch so much so that I had completely discarded the rewards that came with being in an exclusive loyalty programme. Had the cost of loving Micheal finally gone over my head or was I maybe too quick to overlook the benefits of being in a relationship altogether? 

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