Saturday, September 21, 2013

3 Ways to Compromise

When it comes to love and relationship compromise is not an option. The things Men/women give in or give up for love are……

1. Don't give in or give up 
True compromise doesn't mean giving in or giving up. It means a settlement made by mutual consent, involving concessions on both sides. The key idea here is "mutual consent".
Ttrying to reach a compromise you are both happy with tends to involve a change of focus, which in turn renders the concessions one might have to make seem less important.

2. Managing conflict 
Clinical psychologist Monica Spiro says it's the process that matters most. "All healthy relationships involve some conflict; it is how you manage that conflict that is important," she says.
"If meeting your partner's needs negates your own needs... well, clearly that isn't tenable. If you are going to compromise, you need to find a way to do it that you're both comfortable with." Spiro says. By setting aside the projection of your own needs long enough to see what your partner wants, and why they want it, you can take the discussion to a whole new level. "Of course, this is not always possible," she adds.

3. Unacceptable conflict 
"Sometimes one person may be ready to let their defences down while the other might take this opportunity to act like a bulldozer. Often couples need the intervention of a neutral third party to find the space safe enough to go through this process, which is when therapy is a good idea."

At the bottom of all this is the big question: Does this relationship mean more to you than the things you are compromising on? Share your views.

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