Tuesday, October 1, 2013

7 Steps to Help you Win your man Back

Have ever been in a position like this before. you dumped your man and now you are experiencing significant regret, and asking yourself how do i fix this? crying, begging and pestering him on the phone are among the worst things you can do at this stage. he will only lose respect for you and assume the upper hand so here is help.

1. Do reconnaissance: 
Before you begin, shake the girlfriend grapevine and find out if he's:
a) out drinking and bonking anyone who'll have him;
b) spending his evenings listening to "your song" and weeping into his beer;
c) interested in anyone else.

2. Broadcast your regret:
Talk to his friends, since anything you tell them will soon reach his ears. Let him know you miss him, but say it matter-of-factly without grovelling.

3. Keep it light:
Tears can terrify a man. He's trying to convince himself he's better off without you. Reverse the process by reminding him of all the good times you've had. Keep the conversation light and flirtatious. Don't on any account ask him out at this stage.

4. Do the things he loved:
Remember how he was always bugging you to go with him to soccer or some noisy, open-air concert? He's probably remembering you as a boring NATO (no action, talk only) gal. Prove him wrong by arranging a trip with friends and e-mailing him about it. Example: "Hey, remember how we always talked about going to see TK Zee? Well, I went! They were da bomb! You should definitely go."

5. Talk to a gorgeous guy: 
Use your most powerful weapon: jealousy. Frequent his stamping ground and make sure he sees you with the best-looking man there (even if you're just asking him what time it is).

6. Keep your cool:
Run into him accidentally on purpose, looking ravishing. Pretend you're in a hurry and keep the conversation short. As you leave, say something like: "Let's go for coffee sometime and catch up." Keep it casual and smile, or he may think you want to tell him you're engaged or that you have an STD. Then...

7. Clinch the deal:
Set up that date for coffee or an after-work drink and suggest you meet there (no pressure). He'll be a little on edge, so just keep things friendly and light. After an hour of catching up and laughing, he'll be wondering why you ever broke up in the first place!

We're not so sure men are this easy. What do you think? Any better suggestions?

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