Friday, September 6, 2013

Is Divorce Genetic?

Childhood is a very important stage for any child. Parents who do not consider children feelings before irrational decisions often destroy childhood memories and these situation create a loophole in a child's life. My childhood wasn't ideal. But, let’s be frank, whose really is, anyway?

The ultimate question for the day is considering the fact that marriages in my family don’t usually last, I can’t help but wonder are my doomed too? 
•    Am I good enough? 
•    What if he leaves me? 
•    What if he cheats on me?
•    Is this really love? And the list goes on.

Please tell me what you think. 

Is there such a thing as being “destined for divorce”? How can we stop relationship fears and hereditary hang-ups?  And, more importantly, how can we help people get over this nagging fear that is probably preventing sp many from giving any guy a fair chance in life?


  1. Let me go straight to your questions.There is nothing like destined to divorce, relationships is how you take,try to tolerate as much as you can because no one is perfect and learn to forgive and move on.If one is looking for the perfect person you will wait forever.
    Stopping relationship fears is having confidence of oneself and focused,
    Don't get into relationship because of some temporary favors but be futuristic on your assessment of your intended spouse.Don't run out of a relationship because you where hurt and you want to get back on your EX because most times one will leave a relationship with out your heart with you.
    There is no special way forward to getting over these fears but you must have a free mind and bear no grudges to enable you see the right person that can understand you better and will be willing to go all through in life with you. Reconciliation is very important
