Friday, August 30, 2013

Do you Earn more than your Man

Men are most threatened by a woman who makes more money, while in most homes neither the male nor the female ego plays a major role. But some men find it impossible to swap these roles. A successful woman who is involved with a man with low self-esteem, who can't handle her financial success, can get very depressed by the belittling accusations that her partner makes.

Now ladies if you earn more than him and it’s causing tension, try these practical steps:

Don't shut him out 
In these trying situations, successful women are often forced to adopt a very businesslike approach. This may be necessary to ensure their success in their careers but it does little for their personal relationships. They often learn to develop an ability to "shut off" and refuse to discuss the situation. Her partner, who already feels emotionally uncomfortable, then experiences a further emotional blow from his wife’s distant attitude.

Making the relationship work 

Money is often the excuse for a couple to argue, when in fact there may be underlying issues. Times have changed and women don't need to apologies for earning more but they must also be sensitive when they deal with their partner who may have a fragile ego. Men please learn to see the fact that your partner is doing well as a positive thing and not as a threat to your masculinity. Couples need to celebrate each other's strengths and successes.

Communication is vital
A couple must discuss the problems. The man has to have an outlet for his feelings and the woman should understand that she needs to be sensitive in not making him feel useless and inadequate. "Men are very touchy in the arena of earnings," says a well known psychologist, Dr Bernard Levenstein.

Be aware
If a woman is earning more, she must be hyper-aware of her partner and his needs. The most effective way of dealing with this situation is for the man not to see earning capacity as a reflection or direct sign of his potency.

Be honest
Start with an open and honest discussion. This must take place without any accusations of 'you do this' or 'you do that'. Rather use the 'I' message. Instead of saying, "You are aggressive", say, "I experience you as being aggressive".

Just listen
Most times he just needs to borrow your ears for a couple of minutes so women listen to what your partner is saying. The imago-technique can be used very successfully in such circumstances.

Is money ever an issue in your relationship? How do you address it? Talk about it in the comment box below.

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