Sunday, August 4, 2013


1. Manners: please can you help me with, Thank you, and you are welcome these compliments go a long way in reminding your partner of how much you care and that you respect and love him/her and don't take him/her for granted.

2. Spice it up: The success to any relationship involves spicing things up a little. studies have shown that continuous routines can lead to dissatisfaction with a relationship. Try something new outside the box might just spice it up.

3. Play together: couples that plays together, stay together find a common ground with your spouse something you both love to do either, sports or a hobby and make that a priority in your relationship.

4. Fights: learn to argue right in order to have a productive argument, couples would have to keep some certain rules in mind. don't cal your spouse names. when things get tough, take a break or walk out of the argument. talk to each other one at a time allowing the other person to complete a sentence before you reply. always avoid a discussion when you are angry.

5. Compromise: scratch my back and i will scratch yours, no one likes demands in a relationship but every one appreciates a compromise. If you want your lover to do something and you're not sure he/she'll be agreeable, the quickest way to avoid a confrontation is to sweeten the deal. For example: "Sure, I'll watch Monday Night Football if you take me to see the next movie of my choice."

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