Showing posts with label relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationship. Show all posts

Friday, September 6, 2013

Technology makes cheating Easier

With the fast spread of awareness and exposure to social media, networks, smart phones a declaration was made that cheating on spouses and business associates has been made easier.
 The new network’s research reveals: 

Is Divorce Genetic?

Childhood is a very important stage for any child. Parents who do not consider children feelings before irrational decisions often destroy childhood memories and these situation create a loophole in a child's life. My childhood wasn't ideal. But, let’s be frank, whose really is, anyway?


Most young women in our society who have been through series of heart breaks, failed relationships and have lost faith of ever getting married again resort to sperm banks because the only option available to them is becoming a single parent and to do this you need donated/sold sperm. Thousands of children worldwide are born in this way every year.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

When it comes to Relationship and Commitment Are we all a little mad?

The first question that flashes my mind when it comes to relationship and commitment is this; Are we all a little mad?
I have weighed my options thoroughly and I came to this conclusion “it is much easier to cry depression than it is to man up and deal with the problem at hand.” Has our generation really become that quick to buckle or are some of us just better-equipped to deal with the highs and lows of this roller coaster called life than others?


Studies shows that women tend to sleep with other men if they become aware their partner cheated on them. What goes for the goose goes for the gander and all that. Unfortunately, it seems our mothers were right when they taught us that two wrongs don't make a right.

10 fights in any Relationship

1. The fight about money.
Who earns the most and who spends the most? It’s a minefield. 

2. The fight about s*x.
Who wants it too often, who never gives it?

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Fighting For Love !!!

What is the worst that can happen in any relationship? Losing faith in your relationship. We all know that authentic relationships and long-term bliss are difficult to achieve. Disagreements are part of being a thinking person. It's how we deal with conflict that's a key issue. "We are not taught relationship conflict resolution skills when growing up, so we need to learn them on our own.

My Husband still Talks to his Ex

If your husband is still in contact with his ex- Ladies watch out that's a recipe for disaster. As we all know maintaining a healthy and happy marriage is hard. But it becomes even more difficult when a third person is involve. whats worse? is when the other person in the way is a former lover.

In my opinion an ex is an ex for a reason: but feel free to let me know what you think? 

Drawing a Timetable on when to get laid by your Husband

Women women women!!! This is a serious matter, I can’t but wonder why a rule like this exist in some of our bedrooms, anyway below are the only reasons why a woman should have a timetable in her bedroom.

This is a situation where couples cannot get pregnant despite having regular unprotected s*x. Doctors might recommend a timetable in the bedroom which helps the couple have s*x only on days the woman ovulates.                                     

Friday, August 30, 2013

Do you Earn more than your Man

Men are most threatened by a woman who makes more money, while in most homes neither the male nor the female ego plays a major role. But some men find it impossible to swap these roles. A successful woman who is involved with a man with low self-esteem, who can't handle her financial success, can get very depressed by the belittling accusations that her partner makes.

Now ladies if you earn more than him and it’s causing tension, try these practical steps:

Five Lifestyle than Ruin a Relationship

Getting stuck in argument ruts
Couples often disagree over unnecessary things which leads to debate. The problem, however, arises when, instead of staying on point and sorting out the issue at hand, it morphs into a huge fight that now includes rants about ‘old’ usually unresolved spats of the past. 

Insulting each other
Making malicious and hurtful comments in the company of others. Being unforgiving
The feeling of not being able to say “I’m sorry” Pride and the inability to accept responsibility for our actions often stands in the way of happiness.

4 Ways to Keep your Relationship

1. Tongue
Women no matter how hard and tempting it is to tell your man what you think of him during a quarrel DON’T. You know deep down inside you love him, so why try and tear him apart with words you will never be able to take back, only to regret it later. Belittling your man is not on.

2.   Change
Most women endure to stay with a man with the intentions/hope of changing him well take my advice don’t try to change him. You knew who he was when you met him so why try and change him now? If you not happy with who he is, maybe he is not exactly the one. Appreciate him.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Crazy Dating Behaviors Men Have

Over the years I learnt that dating game is a never ending round of broken telephone between the sexes. Most times we think we learn by experience and if that’s the case I’m about to achieve my masters in dating. I've done my own research and studied the experience of other field operatives and I hate to make this a ‘he said, she said’ business, but the message I am receiving consistently from single women regardless of age or area is that men make no sense at all. “Simply Stated” 

The ‘Dating Behaviors of  Men  are baffling and exhausting, so I've listed a few common points for us to ponder any of them familiar to you?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Love is Not Free

Adapting is tough no matter how budget-savvy you are it's hard to avoid the ever increasing cost of living. Thanks to inflation, we are forced to make certain cutbacks in our month-to-month expenses in order to keep up with the negative side-effects that price hikes have on our bank accounts. Unless you are in the fortunate position where money is no object, inflation essentially comes down to one thing compromise.

As I searched the shelves for the cheapest pack of no-range skinless turkey breasts, I started thinking about relationships and the cost of loving. Any relationship worth staying in requires time, patience, sacrifice and a shit load of effort. Life happens somewhere in-between and we are often faced with compromising scenarios that are as unfavourable and unpredictable as fluctuating inflation rates.

Monday, August 19, 2013

5 Signs of an Abusive Relationship

There are several threats that determines whether or not a relationship is abusive or not. For some people in abusive relationship it can be difficult to recognize the signs or even accept that their relationship is abusive because they have become accustomed to their partners behaviour. Those who abuse their partners physically or psychologically are doing so to gain control over their partner, using fear, guilt, shame and intimidation to exercise their power. 

Physical signs
People who are being physically abuse may have frequent unexplained scars and bruises on their bodies. Victims are also known to frequently miss work, school or social occasions without explanation. Often injuries are described as ‘accidents’ even when it may be obvious that this is not the case.

An Unexpected Breakup

Breakup: Getting over someone you thought you had a connection with is one of life's greatest challenges. Just when you think you've found that special someone worth committing the rest of your life to, the same careless being goes ahead and breaks your heart. 

No matter what the circumstance/reason, the consequences are usually the same catastrophic, especially when the person in question doesn't even have the courtesy to clarify the confusion he left behind.  It can take months and even years to restore the damage caused by heartbreak and while most of us eventually find a way of moving on, it all boils down to one question can we let go without the comfort of closure?  

Sunday, August 18, 2013

5 Worst Ways to Break up with Someone

Breakups gives me heart ache and am 100% certain no one likes a breakup, but sometimes it needs to be done. If you have to do the dirty work, make sure you do it with sensitivity and empathy. 

1)  SMS, BBM, Whats App, post-it notes etc
People actually do this. Okay, I think the post-it note is from an episode of SATC but I've personally heard of relationships that have been ended with an SMS. Not cool. 

10 African ways to say I LOVE YOU

1.    English - I love you
spoken in Nigeria, Sierra Leone

2.    Afrikaans - Ek is lief vir jou
spoken in south Africa

3.    Bemba – Ndikufuna
Spoken in Zambia, Tanzania, Botswana and DRC

4.    Ewe – Me lonwo
spoken in Togo, Ghana and Benin

5.    Kamba – Ningwemdete
Spoken in Kenya

6.    Malinki –Ni bi fe
Spoken in Gambia

7.    Luo –Aheri
Spoken in  Kenya and Tanzania

Being in Love has 7 Benefiits

Everyone appreciates the magical feeling of being in love!!! Studies have shown that being in love goes beyond that warm and fuzzy feeling and the obvious advantage of always having a date for Valentine’s Day. The health benefits of love may surprise you - love can keep you healthy mentally, physically, socially and spiritually too. 

1.    Love may make you live longer
Since the beginning of time, humans have depended on one another for survival. As social animals we all have biological drives that naturally make us want to find an intimate bond with others. In addition, the study also showed that people will often adopt safer behaviors when they are coupled up. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013


                            Look up at the stars and not Down at your Feet!!!
Never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. If you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away.”